We don’t make it often, and we don’t make much.
We have two cases, 24 bottles, available at $48. No discounts.
Then, we will have some available at $400 a bottle to donate to the Yakima Humane Society Spay/Neuter Clinic.
Why $400? Well, that is what a 2017 Opus One is selling for!
I have entered wine in direct competition with Opus One in California tastings, and California judges have rated them equally.
I think $400 for a bottle is obscene. It’s all marketing. Opus One spends millions on PR stuff. We don’t pay for junkets for “influencers,” no expensive lunches, and no free resort stays. Well, unless you belong to Harvest Host or receive our newsletter, then you can stay with us for free.
Do you really trust winewriters who don’t travel anonymously? Who don’t pay tasting fees? (We don’t have a tasting fee anymore.) Is it money for nothing and chicks for free?
So we will see if we can convince someone to neuter some dogs and cats and set a record price for Washington Cabernet Sauvignon. I’d love to beat Opus One again. (Again? Another tale)