Wine Sales Update

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If you are a long-time patron, you know we are slow wine producers. We typically take 1-4 years longer to put a wine on the market than most. We feel time is an important part of our process.

The crash of the pandemic meant we became substantially over-inventoried. We will be having several wines at large case discounts to get them into glasses while they are prime.

Take advantage, they are really delicious and should be consumed in the next year or two for the most hedonistic experience. The very first wine put out as Paradisos del Sol was a Sémillon at age 8. Yes, Sémillon is fab at that age. Get some Oyster White and make your own determination.

Ditto with Chenin Blanc and what we call Sève.

Both are 50% off when purchasing 12 or more bottles of anything.



Words from the Winegrower AKA Paul

February! In my early days working in vineyards, I was fortunate to work directly with ... Read more

Events, News

Red Wine and Chocolate!

Nine chocolate bites with wine Saturday, February 8– Monday, February 17 There has been a ... Read more


Words from the Winegrower AKA Paul

This is the month that many in the wine business take vacation time. Many winemakers ... Read more


Winter White Sale

Yes, yes, we know most people eschew white wines in the winter. However, we still ... Read more

Organic Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting

Visit four vineyards with our master winegrower, Paul Vandenberg, owner of Paradisos del Sol Winery, including our own organic vineyard.

Every day except Saturday at 9 am, $25, group and student rates. Reserve your spot today!

Reserve your spot